New iso images of SparkyLinux 3.2 providing a few changes and system improvements, such as:
- Linux kernel 3.11-2 (3.11.8-1)
- all packages have been upgraded from Debian testing repositories as of 2013/12/07
- added support for installation 32 bit applications on 64 bit systems
- 32 bit wine package has been installed on 64 bit systems
- sparky-center-lxde and sparky-center-openbox have been reconfigured; some applications have been extracted from sparky-center and packed separately so they can be installed on other Sparky desktops with no sparky-center; see Sparky news 11/2013
- added package curl – it’s a missing tool requires by PlayOnLinux
- added new package sparky-tray – it gives quick access to package management: Sparky APTus, Synaptic, repository list editor and root terminal emulator
- sparky-aptus has been updated up to version 0.1.5 – added new option ‘Fix Broken’ – it lets you fix not (or wrong) installed/upgraded packages
- the default Sparky theme has been ‘slightly’ improved and upgraded up to version 0.1.1 for better gtk3 applications support
Sparky Razor-Qt features a few more changes, such as:
- removed category “Debian” from the menu
- removed packages: qupzilla, claws-mail, qmmp
- added packages: iceweasel, icedove, exaile
- mounting USB devices via the default panel’s plugin bug is fixed; now you open USB disks with the default file manager PCManFM
- added new applications: sparky-conkeyset, sparky-fonset, sparky-keyboard, sparky-locales, sparky-passwdchange, sparky-timedateset, sparky-users, sparky-xdf
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