I am happy to announce the final versions of SparkyLinux “Eris” 2.1 e17/LXDE, 2.1 MATE Edition and update of 2.1.1 Ultra Edition.
Iso images provides bugs fixing, updates and new features. All new images of SparkyLinux “Eris” have been synchronised between themselves, and all packages upgraded from Debian testing repos of 15/03/2013.
New live system provides:
- Linux kernel 3.2.39-2
- minor bugs fixing
- live system works on USB stick fixing
- full system installation on USB stick
- new set of wallpapers
Live system’s user name is: live
password: live
Many thanks for new default’s system’s wallpapers for Kynes.
If you downloading via BitTorrent, please seed.
Informacja o wydaniu w języku polskim -> http://linuxiarze.pl/sparkylinux-2-1-eris/